This paper investigated the influence of emotional intelligence on problem solving achievement of secondary school chemistry students. The design of the study was ex post facto .The population was secondary school students in Nsukka Education Zone, who study chemistry. Stratified sampling technique was used to draw three urban and three rural schools from the three local government areas in the Education zone. The sample consisted of three hundred and ten students: one hundred and forty one male students and one hundred and sixty nine female students .Seven hypotheses guided the study, and two research instruments were used: (i) a chemistry problem solving test consisting of fifty multiple- choice items based on problem solving in chemical stoichiometry, and (ii) Bar-On EQ -i YV self-report scale .These tests were administered to all the subjects and were collected on the spot. 3x2x2 ANOVA and correlational analyses involving the achievement scores and the dimensions of emotional intelligence were made. It was found that : (i) emotional intelligence significantly influenced students’ achievement in solving chemical stoichiometric problems, (ii) gender has no significant influence on the students’ emotional intelligence ,(iii) school location has no significant influence on the students’ emotional intelligence ,(iv) there is no significant interaction influence of gender and levels of emotional intelligence on students’ achievement, (v) there is no significant interaction influence of school location and levels of emotional intelligent on students’ achievement, (vi) there is no significant interaction influence of gender and school location on emotional intelligence of the students , and ( vii) there is no significant 3-way interaction of gender ,school location and levels of emotional intelligence on students’ achievement. These findings were discussed and some recommendations were made among which are: (i) Chemistry teachers should acknowledge the relevance of emotional intelligence as a significant psychosocial factor in chemical education. (ii) The emotions and feelings of students in terms of stress, mood, and adaptability, intrapersonal and interpersonal psychological reactions in the chemistry classroom setting should be identified and understood by the teacher.
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