Utilization of Scores from Affective Qualities and Its Implication to National Security

Ossai Peter Agbadobi Uloku


This study examined the utilization of affective scores of students of selected schools from Abraka, Obiaruku, Obinomba and Ebedei, all in Delta State and its implications to national security. The aim was to find out whether scores from the affective characteristics of students were used in promotion, placement and certification. Five research questions were raised for the study. An eleven-item questionnaire was developed for data collection. A sample of eighty teachers was drawn through simple random sampling technique of balloting from Delta State University Secondary School, Abraka, Obiaruku Grammar School, Obiaruku, St. George’s Grammar School, Obinomba and Ebedei Secondary School, Ebedei. The mean was used to analyze the data collected. The study showed that: (i) Teachers do not utilize scores from affective qualities of learners in grading their students; (ii) the utilization of affective scores from affective qualities help in checking indiscipline in schools; (iii) there is difficulty in assessing students’ affective qualities. The implication of the study to national security was given. The researcher recommended that: (i) the use of affective qualities of students should be enforced in schools; (ii) seminars and workshops on the use of instruments for assessing students’ affective characteristics should be organized for serving teachings.

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