Relational Study of Chemistry Teachers’ Content Knowledge and their Teaching Effectiveness in Bayelsa State, Nigeria
This study investigates chemistry teachers’ content knowledge and their teaching effectiveness in Bayelsa state public secondary schools. The aim of the study was to find out the content knowledge demonstrated by the teachers during instruction in the classroom and the extent of teaching effectiveness of the chemistry teachers. Three research questions were asked and answered and one hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The sample of the study comprised 25 chemistry teachers from 15 public secondary schools in Bayelsa State. Data for the study was collected through classroom observation, lesson noted checking and questionnaire. Descriptive and co relational statistics were employed in analysis of data. Finding showed that chemistry teachers in Bayelsa State demonstrated good content knowledge in some areas. The chemistry teachers’ extent of teaching effectiveness is adequate. There is a significant relationship between chemistry teachers’ content knowledge and their teaching effectiveness. The study concludes by recommending that principals should collaborate with government of Bayelsa State to sponsor chemistry teachers to workshops, seminars and conferences for updating of knowledge.
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