Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Education Students of Colleges of Education in Nigeria

Ismail Abubakar, Umar Inuwa, Mohammed Inuwa Bello, Babawuro Shuaibu


The purpose of this study is to examine the the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy andentrepreneurial intention of business education students of college of education with access to finance as moderation. The research adopted a survey research design which is purely quantitative, using a structured questionnaire which was administered to 320 randomly selected final year business education students in 8 colleges of education in North-east Nigeria. The data collected was analyzed using regression analysis in testing the hypotheses. The findings of the study among others revealed that access to finance significantly and positively moderate the the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention of business education students of college of education. Therefore, having access to sufficient financial information, government grants and loans from friends and family will make the business education students of colleges of education to develop the intention of starting-up a business after graduation and this will complement the government efforts and commitments towards entrepreneurship education especially at the tertiary institutions. Consequently, the issue of unemployment and underemployment especially among business graduate of colleges of education can be drastically addressed. On the basis of the findings the researcher recommend that colleges of education should form a synergy with government, non-governmental organizations and financial institutions to create an avenue through which business education students can get access to funds for business start-up, thereby boosting the students’ entrepreneurial intention and also reducing over reliance on government and other formal sectors.

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