Effect of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Economics in Bauchi State
This study was aimed at determining the effect of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development on Senior Secondary Schools Students’ Achievement in Economics in Bauchi State. Four research questions and four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study used quasi experimental research design using intact class. The area of the study was Bauchi State and the population comprised of 22,556 SSII secondary school students that offer economics. A purposive sampling technique was used in selecting two teachers from the two selected secondary schools.  Also, random sampling technique was used to assign experimental and control groups; the treatment, was a teacher with continuous professional development experience. The research instrument was Economic Achievement Test (EAT) which was adopted from previous NECO and WAEC pass  question papers; the questionnaire reliability coefficient (r) of 0.86 was obtained: The data for the study was collected after administering the test to the groups at pre-test and post-test; the scores of the students were used as data. The data collected were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation and the null hypotheses were tested using t-test. The result showed that, the experimental group performed higher than the control group in the post-test after the treatment, the difference between the achievement of means was statistically significant (P<0.05). Finally, the researcher recommended that Bauchi State Ministry of Education should encourage its teachers and sponsor them to participate in continuous professional development training.
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