Langa J. N., Medugu J. D.


The main purpose of the study was to determine the supervision and inspection skills needed by school Supervisors and Inspectors for effective teaching in post primary schools. The study specifically examined the mean differences between the responses of the Supervisors and teachers on the supervision and inspection skills needed by school supervisors. Three research questions guided the study. The population of the study was 2805 respondents. Stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 160 respondents, which comprised of 96 teachers and 64 supervisors. The design of the study was a survey research design. The instrument used for the study was a questionnaire constructed using a five point Likert rating scale which was validated by three experts (face and content validation). The reliability co-efficient of the instrument was 0.82 with data analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Z-test. The study identified supervision and inspection skills needed by Supervisors/Inspectors for enhancing the supervision and inspection exercises. Factors hindering effective supervision and inspection in post primary schools were identified in this study. Strategies/procedures for stimulating supervision and inspection in post primary school were also ascertained by the study. The study recommended that there should be frequent supervision and inspection of the post primary schools and also recommended that action should be taken immediately by the authority concerned on supervisors’ reports.

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