Fatima Jumare, Muhammad Yabagi


Nigeria is currently facing a shortage of quality teacher especially in the areas of sciences. This placed enormous task on all stakeholders; government agencies, private partners and most importantly on science teacher educators in Nigeria. This paper articulate radical change needed to succumb this major challenge in the areas of individual Integrated Science Teacher, learning environment and methodology within the realm of general teacher education program. The models of science education that widely persist in Nigeria schools across all levels are inadequate and ineffective for developing students with deep understandings of science and capable of applying the knowledge to real life and into new settings. We focus on expert knowledge and skills needed to prepare exemplary integrated science teachers. Well prepared integrated science teachers require specialized integrated science teacher preparation programme focused on individual teacher, methodology, environment and general science curriculum. The study suggest among others, the need for the integrated science educator to tune to national issues and debates, prepare to take actions for change, and accept leadership, responsibility in establishing exemplary programmes and utilizing innovative methods.   

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