ADO Muhammad Sirajo


The study explored teachers’ perceptions on errors committed by their students solving trigonometric problems at Nigerian certificate of Education (NCE I students) level. The research design was a survey study. The population for the study comprised all 44 teachers and 545 students from the five colleges of educations of Northern Nigeria. 174 students were randomly selected from the five colleges of education. The researcher used open-ended unstructured questionnaire for teachers and a test for students. The Instruments were validated with reliability coefficient (r) = 0.65, that was used for data collection. One hypothesis was stated at p ≤0.05 level of significance using x2 –square. Data collected was analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). The result indicates that there is no significant uniformity among the type of combined errors committed by the learners in various institutions in solving trigonometric problems and was retained.  On the basis of the finding, it was recommended Teachers should take note of the different error-types student’s fall into and their various sources, so that they should be able to correct them. 

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