Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology Facilities Utilization in Teaching of Vocational Subjects at Senior Secondary Schools in Kano State, Nigeria

Omodara Adebayo Ahmed, Abdulsalam Samira, Aminu Bashir Abdullahi


The study examined the availability, adequacy, functionality, utilization and management of ICT facilities in teaching of Vocational and Technical Education subjects in Kano State Senior Secondary Schools. The study adopted survey research design with 30 Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from the three senatorial district of Kano State. Teachers of Vocational subjects formed the respondents with a sample of 320. The instrument used to elicit information from the respondents was questionnaire developed by the researchers. The instrument was developed in line with five point rating scale with a mean of 3.00. This instrument was validated and reliability of 0.86 established after a pilot study. The mean responses on the items were subjected to one way Analysis of Variance at 0.05 level of significance. The result shows that there is no significant difference on the level of availability but on adequacy, functionality, utilization and management there were significant differences. It was recommended among others that State government through Ministry of Education should provide the required ICT facilities for all secondary schools and public/private partnership should be mobilised for funding ICT facilities in the state.

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