School Leaders’ Perception of COVID-19 and Learning Management System: Implication for teaching and learning in public schools in Lagos

Tola Olujuwon



In the early of December 2019, an outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan in China affected significantly teaching and learning due to the closure of schools in March 2020, as well as travel restrictions, and thus alter social human interactions in major parts of the world. The pandemic brought about the “new normal” which enhances the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in schools and in school administration.  Hence, this study examines the perception of school leaders on COVID-19 and Learning Management Systems (LMS) and its implications on education in public schools in Lagos State. The target population was school leaders from primary, secondary, and tertiary schools. The study employs the use of survey research design through the administration of structured questionnaire on Google forms targeted at school leaders as respondents and it was posted on their Whatsapp platform for over three months as a data collection strategy. Data generated from the study were analysed using descriptive statistics through the use of tables, simple percentages, and bar charts. The findings reveal that some of the respondents believed that COVID-19 was a punishment from God, while to others it is an Asian disease while some had a notion that it was targeted at developing countries. In addition, that the pandemic has caused a serious setback to teaching and learning while some saw it as a positive development, in that it brought new methods of teaching and learning and made students be more independent of teachers, and above all, brought governmental attention to education. It can therefore be concluded that COVID-19 has negatively impacted teaching and learning from the traditional method to the new normal and has brought new innovation and techniques in teaching and learning. It also advocates for the regular training and retraining of teachers to enhance LMS. It recommends an in increase governmental subsidy on education as a potent strategy to sustain LMS.

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