Framework for Developing Responsive Curriculum for Exploring 21st Century Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper attempted to highlight what is needed to be done in order to develop a responsive curriculum that could facilitate the exploration of the 21st century Entrepreneurship opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa. The paper was conceived in wake of the growing concern of the increasing rise in the unemployment rate amongst the populace in sub-Saharan Africa. The presenter strived to elucidate what Entrepreneurship opportunities are there in sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st-century era that can be taking advantage of and provided a schema that could aid in the development of a responsive curriculum that can facilitate the exploration of such Entrepreneurship opportunities. It is the prayer of the presenter that the paper may provide an avenue for health discourse and dialogue amongst educational and curriculum planners and developers towards promoting the ideals of self-reliance and regional cohesion.
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