Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the dimensionality of Students’ Readiness of using Social-Media for Learning in Nigeria
The adoption of Internet resources for learning continues to grow in the world today. Despite the abundant benefit of
utilizing social media which is an offshoot of web 2.0, an internet resource for communication and interaction, its use have not been fully embrace as a teaching tool in Nigeria. In this study therefore, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to measure student readiness towards the use of social media in some selected universities in Nigeria. The participants of the study comprises of 700 hundred students fr om four universities in south-western Nigeria. A survey instrument was
developed for the purpose of the study . The internal consistent and the validity of the instrument was established. The
reliability of the instrument indicated 0.80, 0.84 and 0.70 Cronbach alpha values on each three construct respectively. A
factor analysis with Varimax Rotation conducted revealed a three factor measurement scale on students’ readiness and
these are
factors. Based on the result from the data analysis, the hypotheses of the study revealed a statistical relationship between the three constructs extracted. The study showed that there is no significant difference between male and female student readiness to use social media for learning. The study recommen ds the imperative deployment of social media for leverage teaching and learning among the present generation of students in the population sample for the study. It also provides a n empirical measurement scale for ascertaining student readiness to use social media platform for learning in future.
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