Effects of Variance of Pore Size Distribution on Mercury Entrapment

Nuradeen Tanko


In literature, corrugated pore structure model (CPSM) simulation and random pore bond network in various research has established a significant finding in the transport relationship of porous media. These findings have shown a direct correlation that shows an increase in mercury entrapment as the variance of the pore size distribution gets wider. However, there is no experimental work on porous materials to support these significant findings. In this regard, this work attempted to verify the effect of Pore-size distributions on entrapment by an experimental approach. The materials studied are chemically pure mesoporous silica and alumina catalyst support pellets with simplified pore sizes, pore size distribution, and surface chemistry. The pore size distribution of the samples was obtained from the physical adsorption of the nitrogen Barrett-Joyner-Halenda algorithm. The entrapment of the samples was obtained from the retraction curves of mercury porosimetry. Therefore, a statistically significant correlation exists, and thus verifies the CPSM that mercury entrapment increases with an increase in the variance of the pore size distribution of the materials studied.

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