Ontology Knowledge-Based Decision Support System

Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shobowale, Fakruldin Mohd Hashim, Hilmi Husin, S. A. Alim


Since the inception of making decisions, one or more forms of decision support systems have been applied to a number of areas as a system that has the capability to help decision makers in decision making. Decision support systems has also been designed using a number of knowledge representation techniques. This paper uses an ontology knowledge representation technique for a decision support system design. The important terms taxonomy of the domain serves as the knowledge base and this was combined with Java rules (as the data management model) connected together using the web ontology language application programming interface (OWL-API). Subsea multiphase pump used in the oil and gas industry was used as the case study to build the decision support system. The result shows the tool ability in recommending prospective technologies based on the match algorithm and percentage comparator; this aid in refining the applicable suggested technologies by showing the percentage match. This contribution of this paper is an ontology knowledge-based system that serves as the knowledge-base, that is built on linguistic terms which can influence decision makers approval of knowledge-based decision making which is usually done manually in this domain. The validation by domain experts between the Ontology knowledge-based tool and the Pugh matrix shows that the tool was 20% better in recommending suitable technology to suit a particular oil and gas field scenario for an appropriate technology assessment and selection. 

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