Towards High Temperature Applications of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) [I]: Effect of Surface Activation on Pristine carbon nanotubes (pCNTs)

Yusuf Tijjani


Due to its exceptional physical, mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, CNTs are employed as fillers in composites to confer these intrinsic characteristics in the resulting CNTs based composites in automotive, microelectronics, sports, coating and films and energy storage industries. Yet, for CNTs based composite, potential application is envisioned in high temperature application such as heat engines, gas turbines, reactors, space vehicles, etc. Therefore, the present research would demonstrate the effect of surface activation on the pristine carbon nanotubes (pCNTs); on the route to ascertain the potential of high temperature application of CNT. Such aspects as functionalization of as-received pCNTs and characterizations; Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Thermogravimetric analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry of the pristine and functionalized CNTs are explained. The significance of functionalization in temperature stability and in the formation of a stable suspension of CNTs/polar solvents is explored.

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