Development of an Improved Steganography-based Patient Management Information System
This paper developed an improved patient management information system with covert communication. The developed system covertly communicates (steganography) patient’s sensitive information (payload) using digital images over the Intranet/Internet without arousing suspicion, distorting the image quality (imperceptibility), or modifying the information (robustness to attacks).To avoid truncation of information during the embedding of information in the patient’s digital images, a novel real-time redundant bit evaluator was developed. Upon a successful brute force on the system, a secure self-destructive scheme was developed to securely remove all the embedded sensitive information from the digital images (referred to as stego-images). The evaluation of the secure self-destructive scheme was performed on a developed user-friendly Adaptive Integer Diamond (AID) simulator in MATLAB 2020a using the cover-image and the generated stego-image. The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM) and mean square error (MSE) obtained from the evaluation are infinity, 1.00, and 0.000 respectively. This indicates that both the cover-image and stego-image are identical, thus the stego-image contains no sensitive information. The developed system is robust to single and hybrid attacks such as compression, Gaussian noise, salt and pepper, rotation, salt and pepper with Gaussian noise, cropping, and rotation, with an average improvement of 64.71%, 81.67%, 57.63%, 46.70%, 83.50%, and 64.83% respectively over state of the art.
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