Impact of Instructional Materials in Teaching and Learning Mathematics: A Case Study of Demonstration Secondary School, A B U Zaria.

Jibril Y. Kajuru


This research study adopted a survey research design that elicit data from target population through the administration of questionnaire in order to Assess the impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning mathematics in demonstration secondary school, A.B.U Zaria. A Proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of two hundred and thirty-five (235) out of 609 populations of students and teachers in demonstration secondary school, A.B.U Zaria which was analyzed and interpreted using Chi-square inferential statistical test. The analysis yielded the following findings that audio instructional materials do not promote mathematical intellectual abilities of the learners and this coincides with the Chinese proverb that says “I hear, I forget, I see, I remember, I do, I understand.” Likewise, the analysis also reveals that visual and Audio-visual instructional materials have significant impact in teaching and learning mathematics, as they can simplify what is complex and difficult to express to a desirable level of their understanding. Finally, the utilization and good knowledge of mathematics teachers in handling mathematical instructional materials will go a long way in ensuring that students are exposed to different techniques of harnessing mathematical problems.

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