Digitalization of Business Education Programme in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State, Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

Benedicta Emujeboghene Akpojotor


The study investigated the digitalization of business education programme in tertiary institutions in Delta State, Nigeria:  Challenges and Prospects.  The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. To achieve the main purpose of the study two research questions were answered while two null hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The population consisted of 125 Business Education lecturers from Delta State University, Abraka, University of Delta, Agbor, Federal College of Education (Tech), Asaba, College of Education, Mosogar, and College of Education, Warri. No sampling was done; all 125 Business Education lecturers were used. The study used a structured, face-validated questionnaire to obtain data. The Cronbach’s Alpha statistical tool was used to obtain reliability of 0.82 and 0.84. All 125 questionnaires were retrieved.  Mean and standard deviation were utilized to answer research questions, and T-test statistics was employed to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The study indicated that tertiary institutions in Delta State are confronted with many challenges in digitalizing business education. The survey found that the funding of digitalization in business education programme in Delta State tertiary institutions was high. Also, it has benefited lecturers and students, allowing students to study independently and lecturers to access high-quality information. The study recommended among others that tertiary institutions should deliver pre-service and in-service training on digital technology use to students and lecturers to enhance the number of ICT-oriented lecturers and students.

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