Geography Students Perception of E-Learning Teaching and Learning Tool among Institutions of Higher Learning in Kaduna State
This paper presents a research on Geography student’s perception on E-learning as a modern teaching and learning tool, the sample comprised of 167 NCE I, NCE II & NCE III Geography/Computer students of Federal College Education, Zaria. The respondents who participated in the research filled out questions using KOBO TOOL. The questions were designed for the research purposes to cover the hypotheses. The respondents’ attitudes were recorded on a Four-Point Likert Type Scale. The results show that the respondents generally have a positive attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching, and that the use of ICT contributes to the modernization of teaching activities. Conclusively, these findings are intended to encourage teachers and students to adopt current teaching technologies as part of their educational progress and experience. The use of new teaching technologies and approaches will be critical in the future of educational development.
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