Flexural and Charring Characteristics of Some Selected Hardwoods in Nigeria

John Wasiu, Aderomose Stephen Kayode


Wood is generally considered as either ‘softwood’ or ‘hardwood’. Softwood is obtained from coniferous trees and hardwood comes from broad-leaved trees. Wood has been known for its ecological sustainability. Since wood by its nature is combustible, and may be a source of building collapse during fire incidence; hence, this investigation is focused on creating the awareness of the dependability of different wood species that has been recognized to perform well in fire. Experimental investigation was carried out on wood species namely; Albizia (Ayere), Celtis mildbraedii (Ita), Pterygota macrocarpa (Oporoporo), Terminalia superba (Afara white). Charring tests and Flexural strength tests were carried out using the ASTM C293. The fire resistance capacity of Oporoporo is 1.4 % higher in value than that of Ita. The flexural strength capacity of Ita is 10.5 % higher than that of Oporoporo. It was concluded that Celtis mildbraedii and Pterygota macrocarpa have excellent performance in terms fire resistance ability and flexural strength and as such be relied upon in the construction industry.

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