Assessment of the Elements Content of Some Crops Residues in a KUST Wudil Research Farm, Kano State

Musa A., Sabo M. U., Garba A. S.`


The chemical properties of some crop residues grown in the research Farm, Wudil were chemically analyzed in order to assess the percentage nutrient content of some crops; six different crop residues were taken as samples which include: Millet Stover, sorghum Stover, Maize Stover, Rice straws, Cowpea stem and Groundnut haulms. The nutrient analyzed includes N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe. The results indicate that the content of almost all nutrients increased on the burnt residues, except Nitrogen N. the results also show that the Stover’s and straw contained more Mg, P and K and little content of Ca. 

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