Towards Developing Learner Autonomy in Teaching English as a Second Language in Nigeria: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning

K. M. Sama


The paper takes a cursory look at the phenomenon of autonomy as it relates to second language learning. The concept of autonomy and that of an autonomous learner were both carefully examined. This allows for an in-depth discussion on the characteristics of an autonomous learner who are seen to take responsibility for their learning. The rationale behind promoting learner autonomy amongst L2 learners most especially in Nigeria where the language of instruction remains the second language was highlighted. Going by the many advantages of learner autonomy in second language learning, the paper explored the different roles expected of an effective English language teacher and those of the learner alike to ensure an enhanced and smooth training of the later towards gaining independence in L2 learning. Several factors that could thwart the effort at promoting learner autonomy amongst students in Nigeria were unveiled. The linguistic situation, the nature of learning in general in the country coupled with the attendant challenges peculiar to the teacher and other related factors could mar success in fostering learner independence. Since autonomy requires and ensures full differentiation, all hands must be on deck by all stakeholders to promote it among second language learners. Therefore, the paper among other things suggests the use of certain frameworks in order to harness the many benefits of learner autonomy by appropriately placing the learner in the centre of attention.  

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