Impact of School Supervision on Teachers’ Performance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria

maude Inuwa


A survey research design was used in this study. The researchers considered this design appropriate since no variable was manipulated in the study. The population comprised of two hundred and twelve (212) principals in the public senior secondary of Bauchi State and sampled 140 as respondents using stratified random sampling technique. A questionnaire of 4-rating scale which was as tagged “Impacts of School Supervision on Teacher Performance in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi state” (ISSOTPPSSSB) served as instruments for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts. Based on their comments, some items were restructured to produce the final instrument. The test- retest method was used to ascertain the reliability of the instrument using Cronbach alpha technique. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.81. The instrument was regarded as reliable enough for use in data collection for the study. The data collected was analyzed and the mean response score and standard deviation were used to answer the research question. Mean score values of 2.50 and above were accepted while mean values below 2.50 was rejected. The study concluded that schools supervision on teacher performance in public secondary school encourages hard work and has great impacts on teacher performance as it encourages hard work and hence secondary schools’ objectives achieved. The study recommended that schools’ head should ensure that, teachers’ attendance registers are used and signed correctly in schools as it helps to check mate teachers’ punctuality and presence and in public secondary schools and teachers should be sponsored by the State government to go for training on evaluation processes/ techniques to couple with millennium challenges.

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