School Supervision and Teachers' Productivity: Implications on Principal’s Supervisory Roles in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State
The paper is aimed at determination of school supervision and teachers' productivity: implications on principal’s supervisory roles in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State. The design was essentially a survey research design 357 respondents were drawn for the study. Two research questions were raised to guide the study; while one research hypothesis was tested Questionnaire was used for data collection. Three experts validated the questionnaire. For its reliability Cronbach-alpha reliability co-efficient of 0.94 was obtained using test-retest method. Mean and standard deviation were used for answering the research questions while t-test was used for testing the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that school supervision should take place in an environment that is free from tension and stress. The atmosphere should be the one that provide incentive for outstanding work. It was therefore recommended the school principal should provide professional instructional guidance to the teachers. In doing so, the goals and objectives of the school can be attained and school principals should work together harmoniously and peacefully with the teachers despite personal and professional differences.
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