Influence of Teachers Supervision on Students’ Performance for Effective Learning Outcome in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State

Kubra Yaro Ahmad, Hafsat Yusuf Yaro, Muhammad Yero


This study was carried out to determine the influence of teachers supervision on students performance for effective learning outcome in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The area of the study was Bauchi state. The population of the study comprised all school inspectors and principal. A simple random sampling technique. The instruments used were Questionnaire for Teachers (QT). A Pilot test was conducted to determine the reliability of the instrument using Cronbach Alpha method. The reliability coefficient of 0.93 was obtained, this confirmed that the instrument was reliable and valid for measuring what was supposed to measure. The data collected was analyzed using mean for the research questions. Based on the analysis of data conducted the study revealed teachers’ supervision influences  students’ performance, effective learning outcome and teachers’ supervision helps to implement school curriculum for improving academic performance of students. Hence the researcher recommended that regular evaluation of supervising learning activities by teachers so designated from within and outside the school should be intensified so that conformities can be appreciated and improved upon while non conformities can be identified, sanctioned and corrected appropriately and timely and government should always be conscious of the implication of its policies and position on schooling and the multiplier effect on academic performance of students and teachers while instructional materials and other learning facilities to facilitate all round development of students should be made available and accessible for teachers to carry out their duties perfectly.

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