Means of Admission and Sex as Determinants of Students’ Achievement in the use of English and Library (GST 101)
There appears to be poor trends in the standard of use of English in institutions of higher learning in Nigeria. The situation is worsened given that many undergraduates passed through secondary schools where examination grades seemed to have been obtained through fowl means. This led to the study of means of admission and gender as determinants of students’ achievement in the use of English by fresh undergraduates in Delta State University, Abraka. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study with an ex-post facto correlational design. From a population of 349 education students, a sample of 186 students (Direct Entry, 31; UTME 155; Males, 73; Females 113) was drawn. Students’ scores in GST 101 examination for 2018/2019 session were used. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression and multiple regression. Findings from the study showed that means of admission had a significant relationship with students’ achievement in GST 101, unlike gender. A combination of means of admission and gender produced a significant relationship with students’ achievement in GST 101 F(2,185 = 5.279, p < .05). The conclusion was that students’ achievement in GST 101 in Delta State University, Abraka can be attributed to their means of admission. It is hereby suggested that research on differential performance on this area be conducted to guide the University Management in decision-making.
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