A review of Geotectonic Evolution of the Nigerian Crystalline Basement Complex
The evolution of the Nigerian basement complex can best be described in the regional context of the Pan-African orogenic belt of West Africa. It is seen as a collision-type orogeny with an eastward dipping subduction zone. The Basement Complex rocks are considered to be the result of at least four (4) major orogenic cycles of deformation, metamorphism, and remobilization which correspond to the Liberian (2700Ma), the Eburnean (2000Ma), the Kibaran (1100Ma) and Pan- African cycles (600Ma). Thus the Basement Migmatite gneiss is said to evolve through three major geotectonic events: the initiation of crust-forming processes, the emplacement of granites, and the Pan-African event. While the Schist Belts evolved through both ensialic and ensimatic processes. The trace element geochemistry of Nigerian Pan-African granites indicate that the granitic magmas were mainly derived from mantle sources but were heavily contaminated by crustal material and also by partial melting of lower crust. Another important characteristic feature of the basement tectonics is the wide spread occurrence of fractures and are indicated by lineaments as silicified sheared rocks and zones, which are form as dykes and ridges, also straight channeled streams which exploit the weak zones of the earth. Therefore, the principal fracture directions in the basement complexes are the N-S; NNE-SSW, NE-SW, NNW-SSE and to a lesser extent, the E-W.
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