Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among National Diploma Students in Business Studies in North-Eastern Nigeria

Umar Jalam Mohammed


The main purpose of the study was to determine the entrepreneurial intention among National Diploma students in business studies in North-Eastern Nigeria. The study was guided by five objectives, with corresponding research questions and null hypotheses. Relevant literature related to the study was reviewed. The design for the study was descriptive survey. The population of the study comprised 24,625 National Diploma II students of Schools of Business studies of all the Polytechnics in North-Eastern Nigeria. The researcher sampled 379 subjects using proportionate random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was developed by the researcher from adaptation from the existing instruments; family background, societal norms, desire for independence, financial status, and entrepreneurship training. The instrument was validated by 4 experts. The instrument was tested and reliability coefficient of 0.80 was obtained. The research questions were answered using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) while the hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. The study revealed that family background; has moderate influence on students’ entrepreneurial intention. Societal norms; has moderate extent significance influence on students’ for been self-reliant. Desire for independence; has large extent influence on students’ entrepreneurial intention. Financial status also has large extent influence on students’ entrepreneurial intention for self-reliance, and entrepreneurship training has moderate extent determined entrepreneurial intention of National Diploma students in business studies in North-Eastern, Nigeria. Based on the results, it was recommended, that parents should educate and encourage their children to be business-oriented upon graduation; Stakeholders like community leaders, Parents, government, NGO’s, and scholars should create public awareness programmes that will help to promote societal norms, values, and beliefs that encourage business creations.

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