Factors Affecting School Management: Implications for Effective School Administration in Secondary Schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Hauwau Inuwa Garba, Hadiza Sulaiman, Nafisatu Abdulkadir, Sadiya Inuwa Garba


The study investigated the factors affecting school management: implications for effective school administration in secondary schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study. The survey design was adopted for the study. The study selected its respondents using simple random sampling technique. A structured 15-items four point rating scale questionnaire titled was developed by the researchers and used to collect data for the study. The data collected were analyzed using mean to answer research questions. The study revealed that most school principals are handling teachers under their watch with less care. Issues related to division of labour are well managed to some extent. With regards to conducive environment the study discovered that despite efforts of some principals in some schools authority is with principal only or some managers’ delegates where no money involved. It was recommended school principals should ensure good application of division of labour for effective school administration, principals should ensure conducive school environment for teaching and learning, good human relation gestures should be ensured by school principal to relate well with Teachers under their watch and extent it to students for peace and harmony to reign in our schools, principals and Teachers should ensure discipline of themselves to serve as replica for students to emulate and principals should ensure good human relation policy for effective teacher management.

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