Metal Composition of Leachate and Soil in the Vicinity of Solid Waste Dumpsite in Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Jumma Alkana M., Garba Fatima A., Samuel Sunday A.


The study examined the metal composition of leachate and soil in the vicinity of solid waste dumpsite in Bauchi metropolis, Bauchi State. Two specific objectives and two research questions were formulated to guide the conduct of this study. The study was necessitated as a result of the ever-increasing toxicity influx and the impact produced by the leachate on micro-flora and micro-fauna which has resulted in low farm produce, release of obnoxious gases into the environment and contamination of the domestic water sources. In an attempt to improve these conditions, 12 different samples of leachate and soil were collected from 12 different solid waste dumpsites in Bauchi metropolis. Inductively, Couple Plasma Emission Spectrometer was used to analyse the samples collected so as to determine the presence of heavy metals and their level of concentration in each solid waste dumpsite within the Bauchi metropolis. The results of heavy metals analysis indicate that the dumpsite soils and leachates have elevated concentration of chromium and lead. Cadmium and Copper were within the normal range in soils and leachates. The study was able to show the impact of heavy metals in some dumpsites within Bauchi metropolis. The study adopted the quasi experimental design. This is because the design does not allow the use of randomization of the population of the study. Specifically, the non-equivalent group test-posttest design was used in which intact classes were chosen for both experiment and control groups respectively. The numbered that constituted the population was 1049 and the study had a sample of 120 respondents. The simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. The instrument used for collecting data in this study was a constructed questionnaire. The researcher administers pretest to both groups in order to verify the presence or absence of any difference between the two groups that is the experimental and control. The experimental group would use information technology based instructional teaching strategy, while the control group would use the conventional method of teaching. Thereafter, the two groups experimental and control would be subjected to pre-test and posttest to ascertain the effect of Metal Composition of Leachate and Soil in the Vicinity of Solid Waste Dumpsite in Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria. The study was able to show the impact of heavy metals in some dumpsites within Bauchi metropolis and strong linear relationship that exist between some physicochemical parameter and heavy metals.  In view of the conclusion drawn from the study, it was recommended among others that the dumpsite which was observed to have elevated level of chromium and lead should be evacuated or moved to a safe location. Farmers who patronize these dumpsites for cheap manure should be advised on the inherent dangers associated with the waste.

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