Sustainability in the Nigerian Transport System: A Review
The rapid expansion of municipal urban areas has led to several issues involving road traffic congestion, infrastructural degradation, unfavourable climate changes and waste disposal issues. Therefore, the need to incorporate sustainability in a country’s transportation sector must be persistently emphasised. Transportation serves as a means for conveying goods and services to end-users; thus, it influences the economic sector of any nation. Given such sensitivities associated with the road transport system, its failure cannot be tolerated as it could hamper other sectors of the economy. This paper discusses sustainable transportation development in Nigeria by using reliable and effective traffic management strategies. Pertinent information regarding sustainability, traffic management and city development was obtained from Scopus, Google Scholar and Academia databases to underpin the literature for this research. Notwithstanding, this study suggested that environmental concerns should always be factored in when developing newer road infrastructures – as this could go a long way to guarantee sustainability in the Nigerian transport system.
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