Climate variability Awareness, a Sine-qua non to Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from Tomato Farming in Northern Nigeria

Naseer Babangida Muazu


The study examines tomato farmer’s awareness of climate variability and factor that influence their adaptation strategies in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria. Using questionnaire, data was collected from 382 farmers. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data. Results show (90%) level of awareness of climate variability among farmers. Also, the results revealed that climate variability has propelled farmers to employ the use of various adaptation strategies such as the use of high yielding seeds, application of fertilizer, use of modern farming equipment, irrigation, changing farming practice and extension services. The study recommends fertilizer subsidies, seedlings subsidies, rigorous extension services and climate variability awareness to the farmers.

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