Application of Response Surface Methodology in Palm Kernel Seed Oil Extraction Using n-Hexane

Shuraihu L. S., Galadima M. S., Na'inna A. M., Akorede A. O., Ilemore O. O., Abbe G. E.


In this work the extraction of palm kernel seed oil using n-Hexane was studied through the application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Two factors, time and solute-solvent ratio were considered, while the response was the percentage of yield achieved. Central Composite Design (CCD) in the Design Experiment v11 package was employed which gave 13 experiments that lead to linear model relating the response and the variables. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that the model was significant as indicated in the model F-value of 7.30 or P-value =0.0124., while B was also a significant model parameter with P-value = 0.0039

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