Effect of Sun-dried Mango (Mangifera spp) Kernel Meal on the Nutrient Profile of Japanese Quails’ (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Breast Muscles and Egg

Abang F. B. P., Archibong E. E., Kperun T. N., Ejugwu G.


A total of one hundred and forty-four (144) Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were assigned randomly to three different dietary groups. Each group was replicated three times, with sixteen quails in each replication. The diets consisted of varying levels of Sun-dried Mango (Mangifera spp) kernel meal (SMKM), replacing maize at 0%, 25%, and 50% respectively. At the conclusion of the experiment, three quails from each dietary group were selected for slaughter. Breast muscles were collected from the slaughtered quails, and three fresh eggs were collected from each dietary group for subsequent nutrient analysis. The findings indicated that as the level of SMKM in the diets increased, there was a decrease in the crude protein content of both the eggs and breast muscles. Conversely, the Nitrogen Free Extract (CHO) content in both the eggs and breast muscles increased across the dietary treatments. The mineral content (ash) of the breast muscles and eggs also increased with the supplementation of SMKM in the diets. However, the crude fiber content of the breast muscles and eggs did not follow a consistent pattern, suggesting that SMKM was not the sole factor influencing these variations. In conclusion, it was determined that SMKM had an impact on the quality of both the meat and eggs produced by the quails.

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