Personality Super Traits and Verbal Aptitude as Indices of Career Aspiration among Senior Secondary School Students in Edo South Senatorial District

ALAEGBU Sixtus Uchenna, Mrs. F. N. Ugoji


This study examined the relationship among personality traits, verbal aptitude and career aspirations of senior secondary school students in Edo South Senatorial District. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study.  Related literature was reviewed. The design of the study was an ex post facto research and correlational method. The population of the study was 16,990, comprised of all public SS2 students in Edo South Senatorial District. A sample of 378 students was used in this study. Simple random, convenience and stratified sampling were used in this study. A questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents. The questionnaire was adequately validated through expert judgments and factor analysis to estimate its face, content, and construct validity and was found appropriate and usable for the study. The reliability of the instrument was done to determine its measure of internal consistency, through Cronbach’s Alpha reliability. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), and coefficient of determination were used to answer research questions while regression and multiple regression analysis were used to test the stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. There was no significant relationship among extraversion personality trait (EPT), agreeableness personality trait (APT), conscientiousness personality trait (CPT), neuroticism personality trait (NPT), openness to experience personality trait (OEPT) and Career aspiration among public SS2 students. There was no significant relationship between verbal aptitude test and Career aspiration among public SS2 students. From the findings, conclusion was drawn and it was recommended among others that there should be a career day at least once in a term to expose the students to different occupations in the world of work.

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