Effects of Target Task Model on Students Performance in Algebra among Senior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria
This study investigated the effect of target task model on performance in algebra among senior secondary school students in Kauru LGA, Kaduna state. Quasi Experimental design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 100 students who were randomly selected from a population of six thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (6,878) senior secondary two (SS 2) students of Kauru LGA. The experimental group was taught using target task model and the Control Group was taught using Conventional (Lecture) method. The algebra performance test (APT) was the instrument used for data collections. Two research questions and two hypotheses was used in the study. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions and t-test statistics for the null hypotheses. The result of the analysis showed a statistical significant difference in the mean performance score of students in the experimental group (mean =26.47, SD=3.34) as compared to the control group (mean=15.80, SD=3.53), t(df) =15.49 p-value =0.00, p>0.5. It also shows that there was no significant difference in the mean performance score of male and female students’ taught geometry using target task model (male =21.87, SD=6.54, female=21.42, SD=6.14) t(df) =0.352, p-value =0.725, p> 0.5. Based on the result of the analysis the researchers concluded that target task model is more effective than the conventional approach in students’ performance in algebra. Based on the findings it was recommended that mathematics teachers should endeavor to employ Target Task Model in teaching mathematics.
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