Design and Implementation of a Solar-Powered Air Quality Monitoring System for Smart Campus Using Internet of Things (IoT)

M. B. Jibril, Saad H. Girei, Surajo A. Musa, Idris Y. Idris


The high level of air pollution in developing countries such as Nigeria is a cause for concern. Air pollution can cause allergies and harmful diseases such as cardiovascular and lung diseases and can also cause death. This paper describes a low-cost monitoring system for air quality on a university campus. The Internet of Things IoT-based air monitoring system monitors air quality in real-time and transmits data to the dashboard via the ESP32 microcontroller. The device is composed of a microcontroller, pollutant detection sensors, and a solar-powered supply. The device was designed for the study to measure temperature, humidity, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and dust particulate levels at various locations on campus. Data is stored in the ThingSpeak IoT Platform and displayed in real-time on a dashboard to assist officials in taking appropriate action if a certain level of pollution is exceeded. 

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