An Overview of Empirical Research on the Impact of Gender, Word Problems, and Item Differential Functioning on Students' Mathematics Achievement

P. A. U. Ossai


The progress and advancement within the realm of science and technology are intricately intertwined with the discipline of mathematics. The effective teaching and learning of mathematics have been influenced by various factors, as extensively discussed in existing literature. This review specifically addresses the concepts of Item Differential Functioning (DIF), word problems, and gender, and their interconnectedness with students' achievements in mathematics. The examination of students' achievement concerning gender reveals a lack of consistent trends. At times, achievement favors either male or female students; however, in many instances, the gender-based differences are not statistically significant. The challenge of word problems in mathematics presents obstacles for students, contributing to their struggles in the subject. Furthermore, students' subpar performance in mathematics can also be attributed to Item Differential Functioning (DIF). To foster equitable learning environments, it is crucial for teachers to ensure that both genders are equally engaged and included in mathematics classes. The teaching and assimilation of word problem-solving skills should ideally commence during foundational levels of education. Lastly, educators should be vigilant in assessing students' response patterns to mathematical test items, particularly to identify instances where Item Differential Functioning may be influencing the results among specific groups of test-takers. By comprehensively addressing these aspects, educators can contribute to enhancing mathematics education, promoting gender equity, and facilitating better achievement for all students.

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