Effects of 7E’s Learning Strategy on Academic Motivation of Biology Students in Secondary Schools in Bauchi, Nigeria

Abdullahi A. C., Zayum S. D., Mohammed A. Jibrin


The study investigated the Effects of 7Es learning approach on motivation of secondary school Biology in Bauchi, Nigeria. The study was guided by three specific objectives, three research questions and two hypotheses. Sequential explanatory mixed-method design was adopted for the study. The researchers sample two schools with population of 137 SS II Biology students for data collection. Nine students were purposively sampled for the Focus Group Discussion Protocol. The instruments for data collections were Biology Academic Motivation Rating Scale Questionnaires (MRSQ) and Focus Group Discussion Protocol (FGDP). The instruments were validated by experts and subjected to pilot study. The instrument yield Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of .818. The participants agreed with the transcriptions for the Qualitative data. The data collected from the study were subjected to descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and mean difference to answer the research questions. Inferential statistics of independent sample t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at P≤ 0.05 levels of significance. The result shows that 7Es learning cycles had positive effects on academic motivation of biology students. It was concluded that 7Es learning cycle was effective in improving academic motivation of secondary school students in biology. The study recommended school principals should encourage Biology teachers to incorporate 7Es Learning Cycle Instruction into their teaching the students in Bauchi metropolis.

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