Proximate and Elemental Composition of some Edible Insects in the Humid Tropics Caterpillar (Cirina butyrospermi) and Cricket (Brachytrupes membranaceus)

Antyev M., R. J. Wafar


The objective of this study is to increase the value of these edible unconventional insects’ resources to ensure food security.  The study was also to ascertain the collection, cooking/processing and conservation techniques, financial income and distribution channels.  The period of availability and the nutritional value of these edible insects.  The proximate composition and minerals of these insects were evaluated.  The results 16.60% CP, 6.00% EE, 5.00% CF, Ash 7.00%, moisture 6.00% and NFE 59.40% respectively while phosphorus was 76.35, Mg 42.57, K 315.16, Ca 125.34, Fe 2.36 and Zn 0.26mg/100g respectively for caterpillar-Cricket recorded values of 21.50CP, 8.60EE, CF 6.00, Ash 7.95, Moisture 6.20 and NFE 49.70.  According the proximate and elemental evaluation these insects could be a potential source of protein, fats and minerals for humans and animal feeding if properly exploited.

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