Social Media Web Application for Prospective and University Students

Naeem Atanda Balogun, Bello Oluwafemi Ezekiel, Yusuf barnabas Tomilayo, Muhtahir Oluwaseyi Oloyede, Hassan Abubakar, Usman Olakunle Balogun


This study aims to propose, design, model, implement and evaluate a social media platform dedicated to university students in Nigeria, to facilitate Information exchange between the students irrespective of their Nigerian university. For this project, the Iterative Software Development Life Cycle that was employed. This model was chosen because it allows for the web application to be built in a flexible manner. This allowed the project to adopt changes easily while it was still in development. The proposed social media platform was designed with HTML (using Bootstrap as the design framework). The functionalities were achieved using JavaScript frameworks (Jquery and AJAX) and other libraries (Moment.js and sweetalert.js). The biggest of the constraints is that there was not enough data and time to build a modern up to date sophisticated Natural Language Processing system that can be used by the Auto Admin/Moderator. With an NPL, the Auto Admin/Moderator can better understand the way people in this part of the world communicate, the slang used and so on. With this, the Auto Admin/Moderator can better moderate the information users of theHub exchange on the platform. theHub is helpful to students and prospective students' admission processes in Nigeria. Though other versions will emerge, the features and processes will be improved based on user’s experience. theHub can help students and prospective students to secure lifelong relationships with people on the platform which can help them secure career, funds, and projects in the future. 

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