Effect of Intra row Spacing and Number of Seedlings per Hill on Growth and Yield of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) at Jos Plateau, Nigeria

Fagam A. S., Sabo M. U., Yusuf I.


Field experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of National Root Crops Research Institute, Kuru-Jos during the 2019 and 2020 rainy seasons to determine the effect of intra row spacing and number of seedlings per hill on growth and yield of finger millet. The treatments consisted of three different  number of seedlings per hill (1,2 and 3 seedlings per hill) and four levels of intra row spacings(10,15,20 and 25 cm) which were factorially combined and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and  replicated three times. The data collected includes plant height, number of leaves, leaf area index, and number of tillers, 1000 grain weight, and length of spike, straw yield, and number of seeds per spike and grain yield per hectare. The data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and the treatments means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that the effect of intra row spacing significantly (P≤0.05) affected plant height, number of tillers/plant, number of leaves/plant, leaf area index, and grain yield (kg/ha). The results also showed that the effect intra-row spacing significantly (P≤0.05) produced higher 1000 grain yield, straw yield (kg/ha) and spike length throughout the period. The result obtained on the effect of spacing and number of seedlings hill-1 showed that one (1) seedling hill-1 significantly (P≤0.05) enhanced higher plant height, number of tillers, number of leaves/plant, leaf area index, 1000 grain yield (g) and grain yield (kg/ha).  It could therefore be concluded that finger millet responded better with 10 cm intra-row spacing and one (1) seedling per hill (10kg/ha) produced higher grain yield and could therefore be recommended to farmers in the study area for sustainable finger millet production.

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