Effect of Human Resource Management Practice on Employee Performance in Bauchi Local Government Area

Abdulkadir Amina Musa, Dutse A. Yusuf, Patrick Bogoro, Abuzairu Ahmed


Most successful organization does not own their success solely to detailed planning and implementation of policies and strategies but also to their human resource. Human resource is valuable and serves as the backbone of many organizations. However, as a result of globalization, economic growth and shortage of skilled labor, many organizations are finding it difficult to implement effective human resource management practices. Hence, the need for this study is to explore the effect of human resource management practice on employee performance in some banks in Bauchi local government area. The population of the study is 131, using the Taro Yamane (1967) the sample size in the study is 100. Convenient sampling was carried out of which questionnaires were administered, out of which 96 were returned and 3 were wrongly filled which only 93 were analyzed using descriptive and regression analysis via SPSS 2.0 to test the hypotheses. And after testing and analyzing the study hypotheses, the results showed there is a significant impact of human resource management practices (recruitment, training, compensation, health and retention) on employee’s performance in the banks. From the findings of the study it is recommended that the bank management should engage in a more transparent recruitment, implement trainings, compensation shouldn't only be in monetary value, and generally the banking industry should take HRMP seriously since it's having a significant relationship on employee performance.

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