Fortifying Educational Development through the Activities of Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in the school administration in Lags State
This study investigates the pivotal role of Parent Teachers Associations (PTAs) in fortifying educational development within the school administration of Lagos State, Nigeria. It examines the prevalent challenges facing secondary schools in the state, which have been impeding their efficiency and effectiveness. The study further seeks to address these issues by evaluating the impact of PTAs in various aspects of school management, including fundraising, facilities maintenance, collaborative decision-making, and academic achievements. Additionally, it aims to identify and understand the challenges hindering the substantive contribution of PTAs to school development in Lagos State. The research utilizes a descriptive survey research method to provide a comprehensive view of the current state of secondary education in Lagos State, which is an area characterized by diverse socio-cultural influences and a dynamic educational landscape. The population under scrutiny comprises all public secondary school students in Educational District IV within Lagos State. The study's findings establish significant relationships between PTA activities and various aspects of school administration, including fundraising, facility maintenance, and collaborative decision-making, and educational development. It is evident that these relationships are pivotal in ensuring the effectiveness of secondary education in Lagos State, underscoring the relevance of PTAs in addressing the pressing needs of the education system.
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