Effect of Teaching through Concept-Mapping and Vee-Mapping on Achievement in Biology in Relation to Gender Difference of Senior Secondary School Students of Taraba State

Bakari Henry Gideon, Fatima Mohammed Joda, R. O. Ugwuadu


This study investigated the effect of teaching through concept-mapping and vee-mapping on academic achievement in biology in relation to gender difference of senior secondary school students of Taraba state. Two research questions were raised and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study was a nonequivalent pretest posttest quasi experimental design involving two experimental groups and a control group. Three schools were purposively selected and 152 SSII students formed the sampled population. Three intact classes from three schools were assigned to the experimental and control groups. Biology achievement test (BAT) was the research instrument used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was computed using Kuder Richardson (K-R 21) and was found to be 0.80. Mean and standard deviation, ANCOVA were used to analyze and interpret data collected. The result of the study showed that, there is statistical significant difference  in academic achievement of senior secondary school students taught Biology with Concept-mapping and Vee-mapping teaching strategies and lecture methods in favour of Concept-mapping and Vee-mapping (F= 0.80 (df 2,148), p=0.00). There is no significant gender difference in academic achievement of senior secondary school students taught Biology with Concept-mapping ,Vee-mapping teaching strategies and lecture method of teaching (F=0.58 ( df 1,152), p=0.446). Based on the findings, it was recommended that teachers, curriculum designers, institutions and other stake holders in education should adapt the use of Concept-map and Vee-map instructional approach in teaching Biology in our schools. Teachers should be involved in workshops so as to train them on how to use these strategies.

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