Influence of Non-Driving Tasks on Road Traffic Accidents Involving Heavy-Duty Automobiles in North-East Nigeria

Ibrahim Umar Aliyu, Kumazhege S. Z., Lkama J. D.


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the impact of non-driving tasks on road traffic accidents involving heavy-duty automobiles in the north-eastern region of Nigeria. Survey research methodology was employed, utilizing structured questionnaires as the primary data collection instrument. The study population consisted of 2,645 individuals, including personnel from the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Traffic Police, Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIOs), and drivers. From this population, a sample of 235 respondents was selected using proportional sampling techniques. Multiple regression analysis was conducted using SPSS version 25 software to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings of the analysis revealed that visual and auditory distraction, biomechanical distraction, and cognitive distraction significantly influence road traffic accidents involving heavy-duty automobiles in the north-eastern region of Nigeria. As a result, it is recommended that both federal and state governments should prioritize the establishment of adequate trailer parks to provide drivers with opportunities for rest and sleep, thereby mitigating the effects of fatigue-related issues. Furthermore, the development of such trailer parks could serve as a potential revenue source for the government.

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