Students’ Age, Entry Mode and Residence as Predictors of Adjustment and Academic Performance of Mechanical Technology Education Students in Federal Universities in Northern Nigeria

Nasir Umar, Stephen Zira Kumazhege, Julius Dirambi Lkama


The study determined students’ age, entry mode and residence as predictors of adjustment and academic performance of Mechanical Technology Education (MTE) students (Metalwork/Production and Automobile) in Federal Universities of Northern Nigeria (FUoNN). Three null hypotheses were postulated. The study employed a correlational research design, specifically predictive correlation, with Northern Nigeria as the study area. The target population comprised all 101 students at the 200 level of MTE in FUoNN during the 2022/2023 academic session. A purposive sampling technique was utilized to select 3 Federal Universities offering MTE courses in Northern Nigeria. The sample size consisted of 101 students, representing the entire population. The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) was employed as the instrument for measuring adjustment. The SACQ, a self-report questionnaire comprising 67 items, utilized a 5-point rating scale. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) was used as the measure of academic performance. The SACQ was validated by three experts, and the reliability coefficient was found to be 0.97 using Cronbach’s alpha. Regression Analysis was employed to test null hypotheses 1, 2, and 3. The study revealed that psychosocial factors such as age, entry mode, and residence do not significantly predict adjustment and academic performance. It is recommended that universities focus on creating an inclusive and diverse campus culture that welcomes students from various backgrounds.

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