Interest in Mathematics as a Predictor of Undergraduate Students’ Performance in Mathematics

Ogbeta I. J., Yushau B., Jibrin A. G., Shuaibu B.


Interest as a construct of motivation in learning improves students’ performance in mathematics. Lack of interest in mathematics is a factor discouraging most students from learning mathematics. This study investigates interest in mathematics as a predictor of undergraduate students’ performance in mathematics. Correlational research design was adopted. Study population was 348,199 undergraduate students at the Nigeria universities. Sample of 467 students who completed the questionnaire was obtained using random sampling techniques. Instrument for data collection was Students Interest in Mathematics Questionnaire (SIMQ). Validity of the instrument was ascertained by experts in Mathematics Education and Educational Psychology. Reliability of .89 was obtained using Cronbach’s alpha. Students’ performance in mathematics was obtained from GPA. Data was analysis using multiple regression at 0.05 significant level. Finding reveals interest in mathematics significantly predicts undergraduate students’ performance in mathematics. Base on the finding study recommend university authorities in encouraging undergraduate students to developed interest in mathematics for better performance in mathematics.

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