The Mediating Effect of Utilitarian Motivations on the Relationship between Online Shopping and Customer Loyalty in Bauchi State University
The objective of this research is to examine the mediating effect on the relationship between online shopping and customer loyalty in Bauchi state University. A survey research methodology was employed in this study, utilizing respondents from Bauchi state University as the population. The primary means of data collection was through the distribution of questionnaires, which were designed using a Likert scale. The study consisted of 367 respondents, and data analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis with SMARTPLS software. PLS-SEM analysis comprises two models: an outer model and an inner model. The study found that online shopping significantly affects customer loyalty and utilitarian motivation. Furthermore, utilitarian motivation significantly affects customer loyalty. In addition, the findings also indicate that utilitarian motivation plays a mediating role in the relationship between online shopping and customer loyalty. The present study provides valuable insights to the academic community by expanding knowledge in the marketing field, specifically with regards to the influence of utilitarian, social value, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Moreover, this study has the potential to make a significant recommendation to the advancement of the e-commerce subsector in Bauchi state by presenting novel and relevant information
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