A.K. Tsafe, M. A. Yusha'u, Y. M. Kamar, M. S. Abdullahi


In recent years, the security of lives and property has become an issue so much so that the attention of the world has been shifted to virtually every nook and cranny of the globe with the view to addressing the issue that is considered impending. The problem could not be said to be restricted to terrorism alone, which is believed by some countries to be perpetrated through a number of ways; which include but not limited to physical attacks, bomb detonation, launching of rockets, cybercrime etc., it can also take the form of illegal acquisition of territories through annexation by some countries that are powerful over others and thereby rendering the inhabitants of such places vulnerable. Some security concerns are in the forms of health hazards, communal clashes in the quest for political superiority or relevance, resisting some hard economic policies, xenophobic attacks, insurgency, youth restiveness, vandalism, cattle rustling and the like. The paper argues that all these problems could be tackled and addressed if the knowledge of mathematics and science are considered pivotal in nation building because, in the process the citizenry would be made enlightened and as such reduce the possibility of engaging in such heinous activities. In the end, the paper recommends that the recent pronouncement by the federal government of declaring science education free for all Nigerians should not only be made sustainable but compulsory.

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